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Our History

Fremont High Robotics started in 2010 as a team of 10 people at Fremont High School in Sunnyvale, initially called "the Grinders." The team began participating in FIRST Robotics Competitions (FRC) as Team 3501 "the Firebots" in 2011 and has attended at least 2 regional competitions each year since. Over the years, the team has substantially grown, having an all-time largest of 131 active members in 2018 and completely transforming STEAM interest at Fremont High School.


In 2019, we had extended to founding two First Tech Challenge (FTC) teams with high school students from Fremont High School. Team 16532 Sparkbots and Team 16533 Infernobots were both much smaller teams with about 10 students each in comparison to the average 80 students in FRC alone. The smaller, more individualized team created an ideal learning environment for new members without intimidating them. These high school students were challenged to design, build, program, and operate robots to compete in a head-to-head challenge in an alliance format. Establishing these teams created a path for students to grow through FIRST robotics, proceeding to transition from FTC to FRC.

In 2020, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, we continued to expand our FTC program by establishing a third team, the Emberbots, after witnessing the wild success of having the two new teams the year prior. We also re-established the Business and Marketing division with new formal leadership including the Business, Media, and Events leads.

Today, each FTC team has about 12 members each and our FRC team has 39 members working to create a thriving future for STEAM education.

  • Culture of Excellence
    Deliberate actions to drive high performance. Achieve and maintain high quality and reliability.
  • We Not Me
    Team Over Individual Team over individual Always consider: “How will this help or affect the team?” Contribute to the team’s needs Seek and respect input from others Delegate to share responsibility and positive experiences Address accomplishments as a communal effort, using the pronoun "we" Community Engagement Find ways to help others succeed through STEAM Do not focus solely on becoming successful as an individual, work towards the team's success
  • Be Courageous
    Embody excellence in yourself, in our team, and in everything we produce Question actions that are inconsistent with our values, even when it is not what others want to hear Be candid, with kindness Take smart risks Learn from failure Share ideas confidently
  • Everybody Belongs
    Respect everyone Create and support an inclusive environment where everyone feels that they belong Debate ideas, not people Uplift your teammates regardless of differences in opinion and identity Invite others to participate Check in on your peers
  • Act with Integrity
    Do the right thing, especially when inconvenient Own up to mistakes and errors and work towards fixing them Operate with openness Be direct, but professional Remind and support each other in maintaining these values
Past Awards and Leadership


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©2024 Fremont High Robotics

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